Obesity: Is obesity a disease?
In Chile, over the years the nutrition has been a problem to the autorities. Over the past century the problem was center in malnutrition but since the last part of the past century until nowadays the problem is the obesity. Today there is a debate about the obesity. Some people say that it isn´t a desease and other people say that it is a desease. For me, obesity is not a desease.
The obesity is defined as an anormal fat acumulation that might be damage the health.
For me the obesity is not a desease, therefore it might be cause the death of people, this death is caused principally because the obesity bring with him a lot of other diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, apnea. All this diseases are more possible if the people are obesity, but people not died especifically of obesity but their deaths are caused by the diseases that obesity bring with him.
Other reason why I think that obesity is not a desease is because there are some people that since they was born are obesity and over their lifes the obesity not dissapear even if this people have a healthy life. So obesity, for some people, is normal and is a genetic condition.
So for me obesity is not a desease, but is a cause of diseases that could be lethal. So for me the poople who think that obesity is a diseases, are confuse