martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para vis a vis primera temporada
If you ask me, my favourite serie is the spanish serie Vis a Vis. I am not a fan of series or movies but Vis a Vis is so incredible for me because it mixes a lot of genres like suspense, love, hate so this serie is so intense and the thing that more. I watched it on Netlfix and the thing I more enjoy is that all of the chapters ends in the climax so you can´t stop watching it.
Vis  a Vis is shows the life of a women in prison, Maca was sindle and she go to the prison wrongly. Here Maca start to live an unforgiven, the imprisoned make his life impossible while out, her family fight for her liberty irregardless. So the story develops in the prison and out the prison and this is fantastic. In the prison Mace make friends like Sole, Rizos, Antonia but also make enemies like Zulema, Saray and Anabel, so the story revolve about these chapters, especifically about Maca and Zulema
So Vis a Vis is my favourite serie and thank to it I started to see more series and I love that

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para pucon
My best holiday was three years ago, on 2015. This year I went to the school yet and in the last part of the year, on December, we realized our school trip and we traveled to Pucon, south of Chile. It was a fantastic and unforgettable journey with my friends, even inside the bus we had a good time. The journey was so long, from Rengo to Pucon we took ten hours and our first Stop was in Valdivia where we stayed during the day. Here we met the Austral University, The "Fuerte Niebla" and the beautifull River " Calle Calle",  next, on the night, we went to Pucon in where we stayed during six days.

In Pucon we had things to do all the days, I remember that we met a lot of Lakes, like Villarica Lake, Colico Lake, " Ojos del cabruga" and others but I can´t remember his names. This trips was during the day but in the night we go to the Pucon center and we bought and ate

Finally when we went home during the trip we stop in Temuco where we ate and we traveled during the evening. It was a beautifull holiday and I will never forget it.
Resultado de imagen para ojos del caburgua

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para italia
The place where I want to go is Italy because for me is one of  the most beautifull and interesting country 
Italy is a European country which borders Francia, Suiza, Austria and Eslovenia. It is a important place for the Catholic church, for the architecture and also for gastronomy because the Italian gastronomy are recognize by this quality as a food.
The capital of Italy is Roma, and this place is recognize by the Vatican.
One of the most strange things of Italy is that is in the shape of a boot

If I could go to Italy I would like to meet a lot of cities, like Venecia, Roma, Milan and Napoles so my idea is to go for month and meet the tourist atractions like Roman Coliseum, the Venecian "streets" and Stadiums like San Ciro, the olympic Roman Stadium, etc
Finally, also, I would like to taste the gastronomy.
If you ask me, I wouldn´t want to work or live there.Mainly because "for me" is only a journey.Resultado de imagen para napoles

Hi everyone, today on my blog I will talk about changes that could be made in the study programme of  my career: Public Administration. I ...