martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Hi everyone, today on my blog I will talk about changes that could be made in the study programme of  my career: Public Administration.

I think that the programm is so good but it has some lacks principally related to infraestructure because we are about 500 students and our space is so limited, therefore we are so cramped, so I think that we need a place more spacious. Also I think that in the curriculum are subjects that for me are not important because I don´t know what is the useful of these and if this subjects be out of the curriculum, I think that the lenght of the study will be more short.

Other lack is the use of technolgy principally because we have only one lab with computers and usually we are so crammed and also usually the people who is sitting in the background, so I think that the teachers have to use a microphone in the lab, and also we need another lab.

Finally I think that generally teachers use good methods, but also some of them use methods so insufficient and that is a kick to our motivation to study, so it is so important that these know that we wake up so early in the morning and we need classes and teachers more motivating.

So I can say that the study programm of my career is so coherent, but like I said before, it have some lacks that could be changed in the future.
Resultado de imagen para cambios

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Felix!!!
    I agree with you, there are many flaws that the EGGP must change, both in its infrastructure and in the career

  2. I agree with you, we need another lab :(

  3. infrastructure is really the worst thing about our career:(


Hi everyone, today on my blog I will talk about changes that could be made in the study programme of  my career: Public Administration. I ...